Thursday, December 11, 2008

What's your favorite ornament?

Here's what you are supposed to do, Take a picture of your favorite Christmas decoration and then tell why. It could be that big Nativity in your yard or just a single beautiful ornament. Whatever it is, I want to hear about it :) Include any fun traditions or anything else that you want. Don't forget to tag your friends.

This is one of my favorite because we made it when Jordyn was first born. My sister Kim gave it to us. It is an imprint of her hand and foot. I just love this because it reminds me of when she was that little. Kids grow up so fast and it is nice to have something to remind us.
This is my other favorite because it is the first ornament that Ryan made me. I love that it incorporates his love of trains along with a picture of him. He made this last year in Pre-school. I love the fact that it is supposed to say 2007, but it says 2070. Just a little quirk.
I tag:
and anyone else who wants to join in the tagging fun!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Thanks for participating :) really cute ornaments! i love the kid ones too! that one of Ryans, is so precious the way it says 2070!