Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jordyns first Valentines day party!!

Jordyn had her first Valentines Day party at school yesterday!! She was so excited!! She got to frost and decorate a cookie, they made their Valentines Day bags and they handed out valentines. She is soooo loving Pre-school. She hates that she only gets to go two days a week, so next year I am going to get her in the 3 or 5 day class. The main reason for this post is to tell you the cutest thing. They got to fill out a paper about what they think love is and Jordyn had her teacher write "Love is Daddy!!" I just thought that that was the cutest and sweetest thing. Dusty makes sure that he tells his kids everyday, at least once, that he loves them. And this paper just made his day. He is such a great dad and husband. I don't know what I would do without him. I love you Dusty!

She also drew a picture of her family underneath.


Tory Miller said...

so cute!!

Grams said...

You are all a very loving family. Pass the love on down. It should be forever. Love to you all. How precious to have this documented.