Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Road trip!!!

Okay so my pictures are a little out of order, but there are to many to switch around.  Here are just a sliver of the pics from our trip to California and Vegas.  It was the most AWESOME vacation!! The kids absolutely loved it.  Disneyland was super fun, but I honestly think Ryans favorite part was the beach.  We got there and he ran into the ocean and didn't come out till we made him.  Jordyns was Disneyland and California Adventure for sure.  She was little miss daredevil.  Without fail her arms were up on any ride we went on.  Tower of Terror scared me, but Jordyn loved it.  As soon as we got off she wanted to go again.  It was a really great trip.  I have more pics on facebook, but they still aren't all there.  LOVED THIS TRIP.  THANKS KIM FOR TAKING US!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
Ryan and some super heros
The sketch of Jordyn and Ryan
This was on the pirates ride
The family with woody and jesse
slash mountain

notice jordyns hands in this pic
Indiana Jones ride-one of our favorites

This was screamin california the rollercoaster.  Ryan was scared to death to go on it cause it went upside down, but we made him and he ended up loving it! He went on it twice!
Tower of Terror-notice Jordyns hands

Ryan was so excited to go on Star Tours!

Cool pic we got

Tasting some coke from around the world

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

FiRsT dAy Of ScHoOl!!!

It's that time of year again.  The first day of school.  The kids were super excited and ready to go.  I can't believe both my kids are in all day school now.  They are growing up so fast its insane!  This year Jordyn and Ryan both picked out their school clothes and backpacks, yet another thing that tells me they are growing up to fast.  At least Jordyn lets me decide how her hair is going to be...........well sometimes.
As you can see Ryan is trying to grow his out and its driving me crazy!!! But I have to let him be his own person.  So I will deal with the mop on top his head :)